Cerebral Palsy
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Transplant and Its Use in Cer ...
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Transplant and Its Use in Cerebral Palsy
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Pdf Summary
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Transplant is a surgical procedure used to improve hand function in people with cerebral palsy. The procedure involves transferring the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle to promote wrist extension and supination of the forearm. The operation has been found to be highly successful, with significant improvement in patients' functional capacity. The procedure is most effective for patients with reasonable finger control, good sensory discrimination, and high motivation. It is important for patients to receive thorough postoperative care, including support and exercise, to ensure the best outcome. In some cases, wrist fusion may be necessary prior to the transplant to correct deformities. The procedure has proven to be a better alternative to fusion of the wrist, as it allows for wrist motion and preserves finger and hand function. The success of the procedure depends on careful patient selection and proper postoperative care and rehabilitation.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Transplant
surgical procedure
hand function
cerebral palsy
wrist extension
supination of the forearm
functional capacity
finger control
sensory discrimination
postoperative care
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