Congenital Differences
Pediatric Trigger Digits
Pediatric Trigger Digits
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Pediatric trigger thumb is a common hand condition in children, presenting with a thumb interphalangeal joint locked in flexion. Surgical release of the A1 pulley is the most common treatment option, with excellent outcomes reported. However, recent studies suggest that some cases may resolve spontaneously over several years, leading to possible non-surgical treatment options for families who are willing to wait. Triggering in digits other than the thumb is generally associated with an underlying diagnosis and often requires surgical treatment to address the anatomical issues. An open release of the A1 pulley is usually performed, but more extensive surgery may be required depending on the underlying anatomical issues. <br />Nonsurgical treatment for pediatric trigger thumb has been successful in some cases, with passive stretching exercises and orthoses leading to improvement in symptoms. Nonsurgical treatment of pediatric trigger finger has also been successful, with orthoses and observation leading to resolution of symptoms. Surgical treatment for trigger finger involves release of the A1 pulley and further evaluation and treatment of the flexor tendon system if necessary. <br />Overall, the outcomes of surgical treatment for both pediatric trigger thumb and trigger finger are generally good, with minimal recurrence and complications. Nonsurgical treatment options should be considered for patients who are willing to wait for possible resolution of the condition.
Pediatric trigger thumb
hand condition
surgical release
A1 pulley
non-surgical treatment
spontaneous resolution
underlying diagnosis
flexor tendon system
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