Elbow Dislocations, Instability and Contracture
Prevention and Treatment of Elbow Stiffness:A 5-Ye ...
Prevention and Treatment of Elbow Stiffness:A 5-Year Update
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Elbow stiffness is a common problem faced by upper extremity surgeons. Recent advancements in the biology and pathology of elbow contracture have led to improved understanding of this problem. Prevention of stiffness before it starts is the primary goal when managing elbow disorders. Nonsurgical treatment options include serial casting, static and dynamic splinting, continuous passive motion, manipulation, and botulinum toxin A injections. Surgical treatment is indicated when nonsurgical management has failed to achieve pain relief and functional range of motion. Surgical procedures include open release, arthroscopic release, and interposition arthroplasty. The choice of surgical treatment depends on the type of contracture and the presence of bony blocks to motion. Postoperative care involves splinting the elbow in extension for 24 hours, followed by activities of daily living and a compression dressing. Rehabilitation and therapy are continued until a plateau is reached, which can take up to 12 months.
elbow stiffness
upper extremity surgeons
elbow contracture
nonsurgical treatment
surgical treatment
open release
arthroscopic release
interposition arthroplasty
postoperative care
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