Elbow Fractures and Dislocation
Case: Elbow Fractures and Dislocations Elbow
Case: Elbow Fractures and Dislocations Elbow
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This document summarizes a clinical case example of a 70-year-old female patient who experienced a ground level fall. The injury pattern identified is a posterior Monteggia variant, with the proximal ulna and radial neck being injured. The plan for treatment includes reducing and plating the ulna fracture, as well as repairing or replacing the radial head. The bone is accessed through a posterior skin incision, either by working on the radial neck through the ulna fracture or through a separate deep incision using various approaches. Equipment needed includes an olecranon plate, radial head replacement, and hand cube or mini-fragment plates. The patient is placed in a supine position with the elbow draped over the chest, with an assistant holding the arm during most of the case. The ulna fracture and radial head replacement are exposed and provisionally plated. Intra-operatively, the patient remained stable and had good motion at four months post-surgery. The takeaway points from this case are to recognize the injury pattern as a posterior Monteggia injury, understand the specific pattern as a posterior Monteggia variant, know what needs to be repaired (ulna shaft and radial neck), and understand what does not need to be fixed (elbow ligaments, specifically the lateral collateral ligament complex).
clinical case example
70-year-old female patient
ground level fall
posterior Monteggia variant
ulna fracture
radial head
treatment plan
skin incision
olecranon plate
radial head replacement
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