Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Hand and Arm
Local and Regional Flaps for Hand Coverage
Local and Regional Flaps for Hand Coverage
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Hand surgeons often need to provide soft tissue coverage for hand injuries where secondary intention healing or skin grafting is not sufficient. This review presents an overview of local and regional flaps commonly used for soft tissue reconstruction of the hand. Local flaps are those that originate from tissues directly adjacent to the defect and are typically completed in a single stage. They include the V-Y advancement and z-plasty flaps. Regional flaps are those that originate from other sites not directly adjacent to the defect but are derived from the same limb. They may have either a random pattern or an axial pattern of blood supply. Distant flaps are those that originate from outside the limb and almost always require at least 2 stages for harvest and application. The review also includes an algorithmic approach to soft tissue defects in the hand based on their location, as well as mention of distant flaps and free tissue transfer as more advanced techniques for hand reconstruction. Overall, this review provides an overview of the various options available to hand surgeons for soft tissue coverage in the hand.
hand surgeons
soft tissue coverage
hand injuries
local flaps
regional flaps
V-Y advancement
z-plasty flaps
distant flaps
soft tissue defects
hand reconstruction
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