Upper Extremity Tendinopathies (trigger digits, de ...
Trigger Digits: Principles,Management, and Complic ...
Trigger Digits: Principles,Management, and Complications
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Trigger finger is a condition caused by a mismatch between the size of the flexor tendon and the pulley system in the finger. It commonly causes locking or clicking of the finger when flexed or extended. Conservative management options include splinting, corticosteroid injections, and other adjuvant modalities. Surgical treatment involves releasing the pulley by open or percutaneous techniques. Complications are rare but can include bowstringing, digital nerve injury, and continued triggering. Different comorbid conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or mucopolysaccharidosis may affect how trigger finger is treated. In children, trigger thumb is the most common presentation and typically resolves reliably with A-1 pulley release. Trigger finger in diabetic patients often shows less responsiveness to conservative measures. An understanding of the pathomechanics, risk factors, and varied treatments for trigger finger is essential for appropriate care.
Trigger finger
Flexor tendon
Pulley system
Corticosteroid injections
Adjuvant modalities
Surgical treatment
Comorbid conditions
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